As you'll see, reader of the future, it's been far too long since my last blog post. However, all with good reason. Whilst 2020 is likely to be a year we are keen to forget, I'm fortunate enough to say that It's been an exceptionally busy one.
At present I'm working through a run of gypsy jazz style tenor guitars. These instruments have come about very serendipitously and after a single enquiry, one thing leading to another I now find myself building three! It's been a really interesting tweak to my usual process, and the new body size has given me a chance to take a fresh look at my building methods. I've been able to implement everything I've taught myself about CAD (see previous posts) to draw up the plans from scratch, and then I've used this to generate the laser cut templates from which I've been working. It's been so helpful to derive all my jigs and moulds from these master templates, ensuring previously unparalleled consistency in these builds so far. Here are some highlights of the build so far, starting with that initial drawing:
Furthermore, I'm thrilled to say that I've been writing a regular column, "Confessions of a Luthier" for the prestigious Guitarist magazine. I used to read Guitarist for many years growing up learning the guitar, so to be a regular in its hallowed pages is a real honour for me. So far I've covered topics including choosing tonewoods, finishing methods, lutherie in the era of COVID, and the pros and cons of side soundports. If there is a topic you are particularly interested in and you would like to challenge me to write 700 words on the topic, please leave a comment below! I'm open to suggestions...
I've also been embarking on some intriguing restorations of a Yamaha FG-140, and a nearly 60 year old Martin Colletti archtop guitar. Both involved very different methods for re-establishing a new neck angle. Watch this space for updates and pictures. In the meantime just head on over to my instagram account for more regular daily musings and videos of day to day workshop life. See you soon!