I'm thrilled to announced that anyone with an interest in building their own guitar can now book lessons via Bristol Guitar Making School. Prospective students can apply to courses ranging between group guitar building, instrument repair and maintenance and also one-to-one masterclasses.
You can see one of our students' latest guitars below. He has been taking the one-to-one masterclasses, building this guitar gradually over time. It's a nylon-strung parlour guitar with mahogany back and sides, spruce top and ladder braced. Some traditional appointments to go with the clean look too, including an ebony hand-carved pyramid bridge!
The first group lesson starts on Monday January 13th 2020. Within a three week window students will aim to complete an instrument in 12 days under my guidance, with the choice to build a Parlour, OM or 000 guitar. Just email alex@alexbishopguitars.com to enrol or find out more. Further information can be found on the website here.
There are a range of courses to suit everyone, and various courses will continue to be added throughout the year so keep checking back in, and don't forget to sign up to the Alex Bishop Guitars newsletter to stay up to date. You can also email me directly at alex@alexbishopguitars.com to find out more.
You can find the new website here: www.guitarmakingschool.co.uk